Source: @CCMHockey (Twitter)
CCM Hockey has undertaken a 2nd initiative in the fight against COVID-19, this one arguably more ambitious than their initial pledge to fund 500,000 surgical masks (read more here).
Source: @CCMHockey (Twitter)
Montreal-based oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. René Caissie brought CCM a prototype of a “full-head protective hood” which he created in his garage (literally) due to his very high risk of COVID exposure (maxillofacial surgeons operate in extremely close proximity to the face and mouths of their patients). The system inflates via an air-purifying respirator and completely encloses the head providing superior protection to setups with separate mask, eye and head protection. The system’s positive pressure pushes virus particles away the wearer and is rated 10x more protective than N95 masks.
Source: @CCMHockey (Twitter)
Since completing the design, CCM has converted its NHL Pro Custom Equipment facility (normally reserved for tailoring to the specific need of pro clients) into a biomedical production facility to build 150 of the protective hoods per day. CCM has also open sourced the design, making the manufacturing specs available to any company who desires to produce the systems. CCM CEO Rick Blackshaw told Newswire Canada “Meeting the logistical challenges of implementing such a change is daunting, but to do so in the face of personal stress, imposed personal isolation and extreme time constraints shows what a committed and resourceful team we have." The units are expected to be produced by CCM for as long as needed.